Dog Training Classes


A well-trained dog is a content, confident, reliable and safe dog that has a strong relationship with you.  Our training classes teach crucial life skills and verbal cues for your dog in a fun and relaxed way, so you and your dog can enjoy learning together.  We are all about positively reinforcing desired behaviour so your dog does more of it.

We restrict the numbers of dogs per class so you and your dog will get the attention you need.

Annie is a qualified Canine Behaviourist and she balances practical training with theory in layman terms so you can understand how your dog learns and get the best from him.

Whatever the age of your dog it is vital that your bond is strong and you can manage your dog’s behaviour so that he responds reliably when given cues.  Behaviour changes over time and habits develop so training throughout your dog’s life is essential.  We offer a range of dog training classes from puppy through to adult, click here to find a class that suits you and your dog.